Remember the past to envisage the future
Move forward with courage
The Stiegelmar family can be called a true dynasty of winemakers. The family history may not date back 1,000 years, but since the mid-20th century the Stiegelmars have become a wide-branching family. One can certainly say that wine runs through their veins.
The foundation of today’s winery, which has meanwhile grown to a size of 50 ha, was laid by the grandparents, Johann and Theresia Stiegelmar in 1956. In the 1980s they were followed by their sons Hans, Gerhard and Walter, who managed the business as a successful triumvirate. Thanks to their visionary ideas, they were among the first in Burgenland to strive for top quality in wines from indigenous varieties typical of the region. This was contrary to the then omnipresent tradition of winemaking at Lake Neusiedl, which focused on the production of high-level noble sweet wines. From the beginning, the Stiegelmars focussed on the red wine varieties of Zweigelt, Blaufränkisch and Sankt Laurent. Up to that time, these varieties had tended to be sidelined in the region around the lake. With this trio of varieties, they achieved their breakthrough and were off to an incredible flying start. The most important white wine varieties in the Stiegelmar winery are Weißburgunder, Grauburgunder, Chardonnay and Muskat Ottonel.
Today, Jürgen Stiegelmar is responsible for the quality of the wines in the family business. His cousin Andrea Stiegelmar manages sales and administration. (Text by Cornelius and Fabian Lange, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 2019)

Jürgen Stiegelmar and
Andrea Stiegelmar
Taking a far-sighted look into the future
Drawing upon common strengths has always been part of the philosophy of the Stiegelmar family. Today, Jürgen Stiegelmar and his cousin Andrea Göschl-Stiegelmar manage the winery, being able to rely on the previous generations and all the employees to create a successful future.
Knowing where we come from, knowing where we want to go.
The history of our family, which has been based in Gols for centuries, starts at the time of feudalism. Our ancestors were feudal farmers who did their best to produce themselves what they needed to live. That time, when Gols was part of the border region of German West Hungary, was characterised by soldiers of foreign powers marauding the land. Following emancipation from serfdom, the 1848 land reform and the resulting release from feudal obligations, wine became ever more important, also for our great-great-grandfather and our great-grandfather, who was the mayor of Gols after World War II.
For us it is important to know our roots. Only if you know where you come from, do you know where you are and can decide where you want to go.
back then
Johann & Theresia Stiegelmar